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Can we get a "lookups complete" custom event listener please?

asked on October 8, 2016

It would be nice if Forms 11 fired off a custom event when all lookups on a form complete. We could then listen for that event in our custom JavaScript and run our own code.

Currently we use polling to figure out if all lookups have completed (basically, we periodically check if all target fields have values), but this approach doesn't work for more complex lookups that depend on each other. So a "lookups-complete" event would be very useful.

8 0


replied on January 12, 2017 Show version history

In Forms 10.2, we have added support for "lookupstarted" and "lookupcomplete" events.  The two events are not triggered on form load, so they won't apply to lookup rule without match condition.
The events have data "triggerId" and "ruleId" which can be used to specify the lookup rule.
The "triggerId" is the "id" of element that is used to trigger the lookup rule. If the rule is match one field, then the id is on that field like "Field1"; if the rule is match multiple fields, then the id is on that auto fill button like "lookup1".
The "ruleId" can be found in the web request "/Forms/api/lookup/lookup?formId=xx" on lookup rules page.
Demo on using the event data:
$(document).on("lookupstarted", function (event) {
if (event.triggerId == "Field1") {
console.log("triggered by Field1");
if (event.triggerId == "lookup9132") {
console.log("triggered by lookup9132");

8 0
replied on January 13, 2017

Brilliant! I'm looking forward to trying this and updating my forms. :)

1 0
replied on May 17, 2017 Show version history

I found that after the form loads and this event fires, it keeps firing in conjunction with .change().  I would expect this to fire after the data was loaded and never again.  Is this expected behavior?

EDIT:  Never mind - it makes sense that it would fire later if, say, a dropdown list changes and you're populating a different field - it would need to do a lookup.


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replied on May 9, 2018

can you expand on how I can find the ruleid from the web request

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replied on May 9, 2018 Show version history

There's probably a direct way but I do it like this:

I add this code, trigger the lookup and read the results from the alert box.

  $(document).on("lookupcomplete", function (event) {
    alert (event.triggerId);


2 0
replied on May 9, 2018 Show version history

Here's how I find a rule id:

Navigate to the api for the form as mentioned above by Xiuhong Xiang.

Then I copy the JSON data that is displayed by the API and paste it into Notepad++.  I have the JSTool Plugin installed in Notepad++. 

It will then translate the JSON data into a nice readable format so you can browse through your lookup rules.

I hope that this helps.

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replied on May 10, 2018

Thanks Rob that breaks it down. Thanks also for your response Ben.

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replied on March 27, 2017 Show version history

I am thrilled that this functionality has been added.  However, there is a HUGE problem with the implementation.  Every time I click save from the "Lookup Rules" screen of a form all of the rules get renumbered with a new ruleId.  This immediately breaks all of my JavaScript based on these rules.

I think some consideration should be given to being able to assign a name to a rule from the GUI and then be able to base JavaScript on the ruleName.  This would have two benefits.  Firstly, someone wouldn't have to lookup a ruleId.  Secondly, the ruleId would be irrelevant to the JavaScript.

7 0
replied on March 28, 2017

Thanks for your feedback, we will see what we can do to improve this.

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replied on May 17, 2017

FYI - It fires on page load AND when doing subsequent lookups based on field values changing - not just page load.

1 0
replied on May 17, 2017

I'm also finding that on 1st form submission, it reports the TriggerId as the field that activated the lookup, but after that, it starts reporting TriggerId as the field ID that it filled.  So it's only reliable on form submission.

replied on May 17, 2017 Show version history

EDIT: Nested call-backs don't seem necessary with LF 10.3.x. To see the nesting, review previous versions of this post.

Yes, it's a bit odd. I thought it was seeing that because my code wasn't well implemented. I decided to nest the call-backs:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(document).on("onloadlookupfinished", function () {
     //page load code here
  $(document).on("lookupstarted", function (event) {
    //start lookup code here. This is where I turn on the loader/spinner/wait/wizzy/hourglass animation
  $(document).on("lookupcomplete", function (event) {
    if (event.triggerId==='lookup1096') {
      //run specific code here
   //turn off the loader animation here.


4 0
replied on May 9, 2018

I'm just checking in to see if the issue I mentioned over a year ago has been improved/fixed.

Every time I click save from the "Lookup Rules" screen of a form all of the rules get renumbered with a new ruleId.  This immediately breaks all of my JavaScript based on these rules.

11 0
replied on September 6, 2018

Any luck in getting a method to call a rule based on a consistent value.  Whether we start naming the rules or they have a static rule id (like a field id), we really need to have this stay consistent.  We are deploying this and it just takes 1 time of someone updating the lookup rules and the javascript it broken until we fix it.  Please fix this ASAP or it is not useful for being deployed.

1 0
replied on September 21, 2018

I've started using the "triggerId" instead of "ruleId":

  $(document).on('lookupcomplete', function (event) {
    if (event.triggerId===$('.Job select').attr('id')) {
      //do stuff
3 0
replied on September 24, 2018

Great idea using the class on the trigger ID.  I tried doing something like this but never got it working so I really appreciate you posting the code.  I still hope they provide a better option (since one field can actually trigger multiple lookups) but this will work for the processes I have in place now.  Thanks again.

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replied on November 30, 2018 Show version history

Where is everyone putting this code in their javascript? No matter where I put the code, I never get anything in the console when the lookup is complete?

    $(document).on("lookupcomplete", function (event) {
  alert (event.triggerId);

Edit: the only way it seems to truly know when your lookups are done is to create a table called LookupComplete that holds a single value. Than add a lookup to that table at the end of all your lookups to transfer the single value to a hidden field. Then use the .on('change' method

0 0
replied on December 3, 2018 Show version history

for example:


$(document).ready(function () {
  var a = '';
  $(document).on("onloadlookupfinished", function () {
    //do stuff or not.
  $(document).on("lookupstarted",function(event) {
    //do something;
  $(document).on("lookupcomplete",function(event) {
    //do something;

Anywhere within the .ready function should work but I often put it up the top.



0 0
replied on December 3, 2018

What is the difference between onloadlookupfinished and lookupcomplete?

0 0
replied on December 4, 2018 Show version history

onloadlookupfinished  is triggered after the form has completed it's initial load.

lookupcomplete is triggered after a lookup rule has completed.

1 0
replied on December 4, 2018

Ok, I have a form that is a table with a lookup rule to populate rows into the table. I am trying to use lookupcomplete but it never seems to fire.

As for running code on initial load, I use $(document).ready. So my code looks like this:

$(document).ready(function () {
  $(document).on("lookupcomplete",function(event) {
    console.log('hello world');


0 0
replied on December 4, 2018

Hi Chad,
The onloadlookupfinished goes inside the document.ready block, as in my example.



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replied on December 4, 2018

Ah ok, I just changed lookupcomplete to onloadlookupfinished and it works, executing my code after my lookup rules are complete. The lookupcomplete appears to be ambiguous and no longer working.

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replied on September 23, 2019

Not sure if this has been addressed anywhere else, but I found that lookupcomplete is for outside of the $(document).ready block. Once it's outside of the block it functions only when a lookup is complete. My example is I was changing the date to show times, but when I tried to change the date it didn't display the way I wanted it to. So I took the block out of the document.ready block and changed "onloadlookupfinished" to "lookupcomplete" and it worked.


So to make a short story long, lookupcomplete seems to work best outside the document.ready block and is for running the block underneath it once another lookup is completed. 


I'll be happy to elaborate and give code examples if it's needed by anyone. Just thought I'd add this in case anyone was having a similar issue I was.  

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replied on September 24, 2019

Tanner, I'd be interested in seeing a code sample.  Thanks!

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replied on September 24, 2019
	$(document).on('lookupcomplete', function(event){
    	$('.Time_Select option').each(function(){
        	let NameVals = $(this).text().split('|');
      if ($(this).val() == 1){
        $(this).attr('disabled', true);

So the if statement could probably go under the $(document).ready block, but what the $(document).on statement does is take each option in the dropdown menu and split it at the "|". From there it sets the first half as the text for the option and the second half as the value of the option. That's where the if statement comes in.

So my issue was I had the "lookupcomplete" as "onloadlookupfinished" and inside the $(document).ready block. And what would happen is the first time the lookup completed it would work, but on changing the date it would force it back to the standard text.

In this case, I'm using this for a scheduler that allows the user to select a time that isn't already booked based on the date selected. The time would look like this "08:00|1" if it was booked and "09:00|0" if it wasn't. So it would change all of them from that to just the time and the 1 or 0 would be the value.

When I took the $(document).on block out of the $(document).ready and left it as "onloadlookupfinished" it still didn't work. So I finally changed it to "lookupcomplete" and that's what allowed it to change the options after changing the date.

So I guess that "onloadlookupfinished" is for when you only need the event to run after all lookups are complete and that's it. And "lookupcomplete" is every time a lookup is completed. So in this case, "lookupcomplete" worked because when I changed the date it would run another lookup to get the times which required the event to run again.


Sorry for the long-winded post. It took me a couple of days of trial and error on top of other projects to get this to work right. I also have this tied to a database, a workflow, and a shared calendar that creates the appointment for the team it's tied to. Let me know if I didn't make sense somewhere.

6 0
replied on August 27, 2020

I'm not able to get this to work either.

$(document).on('lookupcomplete', function (event) {
  if (event.triggerId===$('.Job select').attr('id')) {
    //do stuff

I have a table with 4 fields.  It uses the first 2 fields (ID and DOB) in a lookup to get the last 2 fields (First Name and Last Name).

I've tried the above on each field and with an &&  and || with both fields as an attempt to get some sort of 'recognition' from the system, but I get nothing.

I've tried checking the trigger for the first and/or second fields like...   if(event.triggerId == 'Field2(1)')  {  ...stuff here...   }  individually and with && and || as well.  


I'm currently using the following which works, but seems like the long way around... 

        if (event.triggerId==='lookup2890(1)') 
        {    var sname2 = $('[name = "Field23(1)"]').val();     
// alert(sname2);
            if(sname2  != '')
            { ...stuff here...      }
            {   ... stuff here...   }



0 0
replied on August 27, 2020

Always log your Trigger IDs so that you can see what your working with. You can do this by adding this one line to the start of your onlookupcomplete method.


1 0
replied on August 28, 2020

I use the alert, alert(event.triggerId); to display messages.  Does using console.log give better/different results?

1 0
replied on August 28, 2020

console.log message don't hang up the browser like an alert does, and don't require any interaction to dismiss them. But you have to open the dev tools and navigate to the console tab to see them. ctrl-shift + i will bring up the dev tools in chrome & fire fox. I beleve F10 will bring it up in ie.

1 0
replied on August 28, 2020 Show version history

Alert works but logging to the console works better because you can see all variables values on one screen.

If by not getting "recognition" you mean that your if statement is not evaluating to true, then you want to make your your looking at the values of all of your variables and not just guessing what they contain.

1 0
replied on August 28, 2020

You are correct.  Sorry, I wasn't very clear.

The statement would evaluate and drop to the 'else' section no matter what I used in the evaluation.  So, 

 if(event.triggerId == 'Field2(1)')  {  ...stuff here...   } else {  alert('not equal'); }

I would always get ...    not equal .

I know that my trigger (lookup) is always hitting on the change of Field1(1) and again on the change of Field2(1). But I couldn't figure out how to get the event.triggerId to recognize the fields.  The fields are in a table and this is row 1.


And it would be great to find the code that would allow me to go through each row (as they are filled) and validate if the lookup found a db record.

I'm sure it can be done, just not sure how.

Thanks to everyone that has help with this issue!!

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replied on August 28, 2020

I think the issue is that your are alerting information about if the statement was true or false, instead you want to know why it is true or false. So I think you should be alerting/logging the triggerID itself to see what it is. I have to do this all the time because it is not what I expect it to be, for example I do not think the triggerID is equal to Field2(1), this is the ID of your field.

In order to ensure your if statement evaluates to true, you must make sure both sides of the statement are equivalent, and in order to do this you must view the values of the variables your using in the logs.

What you will likely find is that your variable triggerID != 'Field2(1)' therefore your IF statement will evaluate to false.

1 0
replied on October 8, 2016

In Forms 10.1 update 2, we added a "onloadlookupfinished" event which will be triggered after lookup rules are performed during page load. Is this what you want?

6 0
replied on October 9, 2016 Show version history

Hmm, I haven't seen that - I'll take a look. What do you mean by "after lookup rules are performed"? Do you mean when you send the lookup Ajax requests, or when the responses arrive and the data is finished processing?

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replied on October 9, 2016

The event is triggered after the responses arrive and data is finished processing.

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replied on October 11, 2016

Thanks, will check it out and report back.

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replied on October 14, 2016

I have been looking for something similiar,  could you provide a few more details how this is implemented.   My form has a lookup that uses 2 fields as the inputs to my stored procedure,  so i get a autofill button that must be clicked to fire the lookup.   What element do I bind the listener to..

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replied on October 16, 2016

The "onloadlookupfinished" event will be triggered when lookup rules has finished perform when load the form, so you can add something like following to check whether the lookup rules has been performed completely if you want to do actions after it is completed:

$(document).on("onloadlookupfinished", function () {
 $('#Field1').val("lookup finished");


2 0
replied on October 17, 2016

Hi Xiang,

I added this code to my form:

$(document).on("onloadlookupfinished", function () {
 alert("lookup finished");

What is suppose to trigger it? I have a lookup that triggers to a user input and I have a lookup, in another form, which triggers on parameters passed through the URL. Neither are causing this onloadlookupfinished to trigger.



0 0
replied on October 17, 2016

Have you applied Forms 10.1 update 2? The event should be triggered on page load no matter the values that trigger the lookups is from default value or passed through URL or calculated by Forms Calculation.

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replied on October 19, 2016 Show version history

I see!  It works on page load (and when the page has values in the URL) but not when a user clickes in AutoFill to complete Lookup Rules. Is it suppose to?


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replied on October 19, 2016

Yes, it is expected, this event is called "onloadlookupfinished" which is only supposed to work on page load.

0 0
replied on October 19, 2016

I don't follow. Are you saying there will be a new event added or that the current one is supposed to work for both scenarios. In my testing, it only works on pages load and lookups performed on page load but not subsequent lookups.

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replied on October 20, 2016

I mean you can tell from the event name that this event only supposed to work when page load. This is the only one custom event we currently support.

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replied on October 20, 2016

It would be nice to have an event that fires when autofill is clicked or lookup is fired,  not just on page load.    The scenario I needed it for was to populate the address control.   Since you cannot bind the address control to a lookup, you have to do it with javascript.   I added a table with columns for each address element,   so my lookup populated the table,   then I used javascript to populate each field in the address control.    I accomplished what i needed with an onchange event,   but i am taking the gamble that all the table fields have been populated.   An event like this would be very helpful.   Your current implementation has been very helpful in other situations.  Maybe it is something Laserfiche could look into.

4 0
replied on October 20, 2016

There are also cases where the lookup doesn't return any values (due to no match), so onchange doesn't fire. In those situations you have no elegant way of knowing whether the lookup completed.

2 0
replied on October 20, 2016

Support fill address field with lookup result is in our to do list.

1 0
replied on October 28, 2016

There will be lookupstarted and lookupcomplete custom events added in Forms 11 for detecting whether lookup rules has been completed.

1 0
replied on December 5, 2016

Ohhh - I want that functionality - my forms have two-layer lookup, so although this helps me by allowing me to check for completion of the load lookup instead of using a timer, I'm still having to use a timer to wait for completion of the second lookup.

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replied on December 10, 2016

Xiuhong Xiang: this isn't working. Either the implementation is wrong, or there is some miscommunication as to what is needed.

I added timestamps to my code to understand when events are firing. I have the following timestamps:

1. Inside document.ready (first line)

2. Inside an "onloadlookupfinished" event

3. Inside ajaxSuccess events

The ajaxSuccess events fire when an Ajax request completes. It's provided by jQuery.

Results below:

Timestamps are in milliseconds. As you can see, Ajax requests keep firing and finishing waaaay after the onloadlookupfinished event (they last about 10-15 seconds - I can see Ajax requests sent to /lookup?formId=?). So it doesn't look like the event does what it is supposed to, which is to trigger when ALL lookups on the form finish loading when the form first loads so that custom JavaScript code can know when to start executing.

By the way, this whole thing came about because we're trying to find a workaround for that nasty Forms bug where lookups wipe out all dropdown values except the value that comes from the database, preventing users from changing their selection. You can read more about that here. I have probably spent over 20 hours on that issue alone at this point and frankly I'm pretty frustrated that the fix wasn't implemented in the most recent Forms update.

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replied on December 11, 2016

@████████ - the problem is that the event is fired when the lookups that are triggered by the page load are complete, any subsequent lookups that get triggered by code in your Javascript or other similar "subsequent activity" are not included.  So if you have field A populated when the form loads, and then code in your Javascript populates field B and then that triggers another lookup - the event is only called once field A is populated, it doesn't wait for field B.  I'm having the same difficulties.  I don't think a good fix exists yet for this.

Regarding your other issue, about the drop-downs (sorry everyone for getting off the original topic), I have a sort-of workaround:
1. Load the contents of the drop-down list using one page-load lookup (not the selected value, but the list of all possible options).
2. Then using another page-load lookup, load the selected value into a hidden field.
3. In your Javascript set-up a change event function that is triggered when the hidden field is changed.  Set that function to grab the item from the hidden field and select that item in dropdown list.
This code snippet works with a hidden field which has css class selectedValueHidden and a dropdown which has css class selectedValue - where both fields are in a collection:

var s = $(this).closest("ul").find('.selectedValueHidden input').val();
$(this).closest("ul").find('.selectedValue option').filter(function () { return $(this).html() == s; }).prop('selected', true);

This has two problems however:
1. This isn't going to complete before the "onloadlookupfinished" event is fired, so you may have values updating after that code processes.
2. I'm having an issue (which I haven't fixed yet) where about 1% of the time, some of the hidden field change events are not called, so I end up with dropdowns not having a selected value.  That problem is mentioned in this question:

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replied on December 11, 2016

I don't have any second-level lookups on that form. All lookups fire when the form first loads.

I'm already using a similar workaround for the dropdowns, but it's acting funky now with Update 3. Used to work fine in Update 2. I opened a case with LF support to troubleshoot. Lookups in general are acting a bit strangely for me. I have 7 lookup rules, and each one fires 7 times for some reason.

0 0
replied on December 11, 2016

Oh sorry.  I'm fairly new to forms, and have only worked with Update 3.  I too have felt like lookups are not always working like I would think they should be - and I can definitely understand the frustration with something ceasing to work when it had been before.  Good luck.

0 0
replied on December 11, 2016 Show version history

My earlier issues seem to have been caused by SCR 152513. The "onloadlookupsfinished" event listener seems to work as intended, but in Update 3 Forms freaks out when loading a field value from a URL parameter and fires lookups multiple times. Uninstalling Update 3 seems to have resolved the issue.

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replied on March 14, 2020

Silly question here: must you always run '.on' on the $(document) or can I narrow that down to a specific ID or class? 


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replied on March 16, 2020

So the only reason its document here is because the event is looking for all lookups to be complete. There are is a different event if you want to target a specific lookup. The one you might be looking for is lookupcomplete. That can be specified to a single lookup and target that ID or class as well. Xiuhong posted it as a reply in this thread. If you haven't already got it, look at that reply for help. Good luck!

1 0
replied on January 6, 2021

This was really helpful, thank you


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