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Error Code: 9010 Error Message: The user account name or password is incorrect. [9010]

asked on July 18, 2016

Hello All,

We have recently installed Laserfiche Version 10 and have experienced some odd behavior. Certain users, with identical permissions and licenses to other users are unable to access repositories through the Laserfiche desktop client. We are experiencing a couple errors, the main one appearing in the subject line, a secondary error appearing below. What we can't figure out is why some users can access the repositories, while others cannot. I am a user with Admin privileges, and can edit my own permissions as well as other users, and I am unable to access the repository. The issue spans operating systems (Windows 7 Enterprise, and Windows 10), Other users can use the desktop client on my machine successfully. And I am not able to access the repository on other machines. Also the issue is isolated to the Desktop Client. Users are able to access the repositories on the Web client, but not the desktop client. Does Anybody have any idea why this might be happening?


Error Code: 9010

Error Message: The user account name or password is incorrect. [9010]


------------ Technical Details: ------------



    Call Stack: (Exception)





    Additional Details:

        HRESULT: 0xc0042332 (ProcessResponseHeaders, LFSession.cpp:4892)


LF.exe (

    Call Stack: (Exception)




    Call Stack: (Current)



    Additional Details:

        Exception: 0x80042332 [9010] (The user login or password is incorrect.) (CLoginDialog::AttemptLogin at LoginDialog.cpp:796)

    Call History:

        CLFClientAutomation::ExecuteAutomationCommand (GetInstanceInfo)

        CLFClientAutomation::ExecuteAutomationCommand (GetWindows)

        CLFClientAutomation::ExecuteAutomationCommand (GetWindowInfo)



          GetOptionString ([PWSettings]AdminNoPassword)


           GetOptionString ([Settings]CheckServerVersion)


Error Code: 9528
Error Message: Cannot connect to the Laserfiche Directory Server. [9528]

------------ Technical Details: ------------

    Call Stack: (Exception)
    Additional Details:
        HRESULT: 0xc0042538 (ProcessResponseHeaders, LFSession.cpp:4892)
LF.exe (
    Call Stack: (Exception)
    Call Stack: (Current)
    Additional Details:
        Exception: 0x80042538 [9528] (Cannot connect to the Laserfiche Directory Server.) (CLoginDialog::AttemptLogin at LoginDialog.cpp:796)
    Call History:
           CLFClientAutomation::ExecuteAutomationCommand (GetWindowInfo)
          GetOptionString ([PWSettings]AdminNoPassword)
           GetOptionString ([Settings]CheckServerVersion)
           CLFClientAutomation::ExecuteAutomationCommand (GetInstanceInfo)


Thanks in advance.

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replied on July 18, 2016 Show version history

I also tried installing the LFDS Update 1 and it doesn't appear to do anything.  The file version of our LFDS.exe is with a date of 11/13/2015.  When I appl;y the LFDS_x64_100222_KB1013748.msp it shows a quick progress bar then disappears as if it was done but the LFDS.exe still shows the original version.  Am I missing something?  I've already Unblocked it after copying to the LFDS server. I ran it with the service stopped and with it started.  Not sure if this would fix our issue but thought I would try.


We originally installed using the "Laserfiche_Rio_10_1_1_254_multi_lang_20160616.iso"

0 0
replied on July 18, 2016

Hi Ryan,

This is likely due to an issue we've recently discovered for installations of LFDS where SSL was set up by selecting a PFX rather than referencing an installed certificate. We're aware of the issue and looking into resolving it for future releases.

To workaround the issue, please try the following:


Where SELECTEDCERTPATH is the full filepath including certificate name to the PFX, and the SELECTEDCERTPASS is the password for that PFX.

For example:

msiexec /p C:\Users\exampleUserName\Downloads\LFDS_x64_100222_KB1013748.msp SELECTEDCERTPATH=C:\Certs\certexample.pfx SELECTEDCERTPASS=mySuperSecurePassword

If this does not resolve your issue, please contact your reseller and have them open a support case.

Also, for future reference, it's better to post unrelated issues to new posts, rather than replying. This post is about a specific error, not about problems installing the update.

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replied on July 18, 2016

I thought it was related as it fixed our issue.  I had Chase try after installing the patch and he was able to authenticate using the LF Client. I was able to install the patch using your workaround.  Thank you.

1 0
replied on July 18, 2016

Ah, I didn't realize you were the customer in question, or that you were installing the patch to try to resolve this specific issue. Thanks for letting us know that it worked for you!

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